
LEAVES of Morya s garden


Therefore, know how to battle.

383. Doubt destroys one's armament.

Each loose stone weakens the tower.

384. My Hand is above only the steadfast ones.

Weakness and light-mindedness foster treachery.

Treason is judged not by its causes but by its effects.

Each one is free, but is judged by his deeds.

Initiation is not found through heartless action.

Happiness is gained through labor.

The time draws near when the Teaching is to be


The hour is decided; in it will be manifested to the

world the shield of the Law.

The night of confirmation and the day of

reasoning will bring joy.

Sent is the hour of understanding of the Scroll.

Sent is the hour of Testimony.

Manifested is the wing of the Archangel.

On it is the inscription of Peace.

The Heavenly Forces bear witness with Us.

It has been decreed to acquaint the nations

with the New Word of Love.

385. It is time to ponder about the New World.

My Teaching opens the doorway to action.

Madly do people rush about, not knowing the future.

Doomed crowds are hastening to destruction.

Their course is bearing them to the abyss.

Observe the strivings of the madmen.

Revealed is an abyss of new transgressions.

Obvious manifestations fail to alarm

the brains of the half-witted.

To the fool the time is an empty one,

But grave it is for those who discern the Light.

386. I urge you to sharpen your will—it aids the flight of


The will is the bow-string of the consciousness.

I see dark clouds over Europe—

The Abyss has revealed its depths.

387. One must needs understand the time.

One cannot live as always

when the very mountains are atremble.

388. Examine even the resounding stones under

your feet.

For on them may be found traces of My Coming.

Waiting ones, waiting ones,

Even you may not recognize the hour of My Coming.

As the waiting is not easy,

I will give signs, and help.

I shall not come in the night.

And in the hours when the rays of the sun

do not reach Earth,

Let your spirit calmly rise to the Abode of the Creator.

I shall tell you how to wait in the hours of day.

Not with hymns nor with exaltation await Me,

But by strengthening your labor in My Name.

Not in sleep nor during the repast,

But during labor shall I fulfil your hopes,

My beloved ones.

In the morning, repeating the seven words, say:

Help us lest we neglect Your Labor.

And repeating My Name,

and asserting yourself in My Labor,

You will attain My Day.

Cherish and read My Words.

In these days of hardship you will be vindicated by labor.

And through action will you be exalted.

And by My Name will you attain.

I said it.

389. Not the factory, but the workshop of the spirit

will renovate the world.

Like wallpaper pasted on by people,

that which has closed up the pores of life

will be washed away by a torrent

of stern Benevolence.

390. And so in labor will you meet Me.

But what are the signs of labor?

Speed, decisiveness, and self-sacrifice.

But with speed and decisiveness one may also rush

toward the abyss.

But your path is to the summits.

Therefore, add also wisdom.

Ask yourselves in the morning, beginning your day,

What you can add to the entrusted work

that My Name should permeate all your deeds,

And should enter not as obstacle but as affirmation;

Not averting, nor complicating,

but as a part of your decisive thoughts.

So labor wisely and, accepting the Shield of My Name,

You will conquer all that obstructs the ascent.

This is the advice for immediate application to the


And so, precisely and simply I say:

Read and understand simply My Teaching,

without losing the given dates.

My Hand be with you.

391. Remember how necessary it is to keep the


Especially at this time of world-wide commotion.
