
LEAVES of Morya s garden


With a smile the child will unsheathe the sword of


The people will uplift the icon.

I go forward through the desert.

I carry the chalice covered with a shield.

Why is there dust in the place of sacrifice?

Neither sport nor play can there be

where the Temple is being built.

No commitment, no seeking one is there

where the power of beauty is betrayed.

Remove the dirt!

I ask that nothing harmful be left concealed in the crevices.

Cover the chalice!

352. You can remove the dust easily,

if you hasten.

Nothing must be left neglected.


353. By what power wilt thou gain strength?

How wilt thou attain the fulfillment of Our Work?

By the Power given to Us.

Shall I speak of power when all folly,

all ignorance, all vanity, strive for power?

But I say, and affirm, Our Power is different.

Our Power is sacrifice.

I will explain briefly.

When Kurnovoo, the ruler, erected the Golden Gates,

He was striving to enter the Temple.

Nevertheless He bore to the end His sacrifice.

When Solomon sought the power of Beauty,

When, through Sulamith was revealed to him

the symbol of superhuman Truth,

Yet He remained king and carried to the end His


When Tibet's spiritual teacher, A-lal Ming,

was striving towards the mountains

where first the Lord appeared to Him,

He still remained in the valley and accepted the

chalice of sacrifice.

When Sheik Rossul Ibn Rahim was striving

to hand His power unto His son,

He nevertheless heard the Voice

and sacrificed all to serve to completion.

When the Teacher, Origen, committed body and spirit,

Gave all to spread the last teachings of Christ,

He still bore the burden of lifelong teaching.

When Sergius of Radonezh declined the throne of the


And strove to commune with animals,

He stayed to build monasteries,

And kept around Him His pupils.

When Akbar, called Great, laid the stones

of unified religion,

His soul longed to be under the Tree of Wisdom,

Where He received enlightenment.

Nevertheless, He remained upon the steps of His throne.

Knowing wherein is podvig,

Knowing that power is sacrifice,

Whilst affirming the victory you will say,

'Lord, let this triumphal cup pass from me.'

Then will you attain the right to create,

And your spirit will be unassailable.

Remember this Book of Sacrifice.

For it reveals the Gates of Fulfillment and Readiness.

And, being prepared, you will know all.

Because all will be opened and given

and told unto you.

But only listen and remember.

And chiefly read, and read again.

Because oft the physical form obscures

the knowledge of the spirit.

And when you behold the prophesied conflagration

you will say,

'This is why yesterday I carried away my possessions.'

And, beholding the lightning, you will bow your head

in reverence to the Will of the Lord.

I said it, I instructed you—cherish it.

354. Kindle with love the light of beauty,

And with action manifest to the world

the salvation of the spirit.

355. Thus it is, when the spirit comes to realize


New wings grow, and the surrounding air sings at


The pathway of light is revealed to the amazed sight.

And the mind's resolution builds the steps

of the temple of the One Truth.

Improve the brain, cleanse the ears, bathe the lips.

Else you will be the witnesses of your own madness.

356. Teach My Path.

Help people to develop an understanding of man's nature.

They will understand the nature of Service.

They will understand the joy of the Beautiful.

They will understand the simple truths that

transform life into a miracle.

Our Shield is invisible,

Yet by night you can perceive affirmation

of the day's hints and whispers.

For Us there has not been a more complex time