
LEAVES of Morya s garden


The Teacher values every pure quest for Higher Knowledge.

The spirit of reason bestows knowledge upon the

seekers of Truth.

It is enough to follow the path of spirit-realization—

the rest will come.

62. I test different souls.

My Spirit is your shield.

63. Direct your forces towards the enlightenment of


Love Me—Bliss will come as comes the dawn.

I shall strike the doers of harm.

Carefully raise up the treasure of the Temple upon

M.'s Mountain.

The Teacher sends you His Blessings.

Learn to understand Me. Be unwavering in your faith.

I shall help those who seek.

64. The woodpecker wisely hollows the tree.

Follow its example.

My Shield will guard you—My dear children.

65. My Shield assures your joy.

Be an Aeolian harp to M.'s Breath.

Through love will you come to Me.

I will bestow upon your spirit the strength of the cedar.

66. Know how to love as you ascend.

Only later will you realize how gently and lovingly

I strive to shorten your journey

in the field of action given to you.

67. I will grant you the power to lead souls to God.

I will endow you with the gift of bringing joy to others.

Teach the manifestation of M.

Teach—I will help you.

68. Harmony among you brings results most cherished By


For missions of importance We bring together harmonious

persons—their current is the most powerful.

69. Learn to love Me—and manifest it.

My work allows no indecisiveness.

What is sent by Me, take without hesitation.

70. Do not turn away from your friends—in My Name

can you enlighten them.

Have courage—be true disciples of the Master.

Teach them to love the world of spirit.

Sow the wisdom sent unto you.

71. The mist will soon be dispelled, and the sun's

radiance will shine upon your path.

Expound My Teaching—I shall send listeners.

Those who receive must also give.

Know that by the shortest path I lead you toward

knowledge, labor, and happiness.

I pass among them and they see Me not.

72. The Spirit of Christ breathes across the desert of


Like a spring It wears Its way through the solid rocks.

In the milky firmament It radiates in lights beyond counting,

and rises upward in the stem of every flower.

73. We lay stones for the steps of the resplendent


In the name of Christ do we carry them.

Place Thy Throne, O Lord, in our garden!

But the stones are too large for our garden,

And the steps too steep for flowers.

On a cloud He will approach.

On the grass will He sit beside us.

We rejoice, O Lord, to offer to Thee our garden.

Depart not, O Manifested Lord.

Leave not our garden.

With stars is Thy Path adorned.

By them do we find Thy Way.

We shall follow Thee, O Lord.

Should the sun's morning rays banish Thy starry signs,

Then will we invoke the aid of storm and whirlwind to

obscure its rays.

Of what use the sun, if it banish Thy starry tokens?

74. I rejoice in the smile undimmed by approaching


I shall grant the power to create good not with money

but with spirit.

Full of travail is your life, but vast are the depths of your

happiness in the future victory of the spirit.

75. Banish anger, and the path to Us will be easier.

Not wrath, but ardent rapture creates.

Be imperturbable—your illusions damage your health, but if

you have faith in Me, know that you are guarded by

the Care and Shield of M.

M. is aware of your hardships;

a steep ascent is always difficult.

To overcome fate requires fortitude.

Be not downcast, for you have many times

crossed these rapids.

76. Be not dismayed at the Teacher's criticisms.

Pupils should rejoice at every message.

Contemplate the spiritual guidance of One Teacher.

Your spirit presses onward;

At the Gates I shall await you.

My Breath shall warm your hands,