
LEAVES of Morya s garden


The Teacher is with you, and you must be in harmony

with your followers.

Harmony, harmony, harmony.

Do not regret your path; forget worldly pride and

be open towards the New.


324. I tell you, let the flame of your heart be alight

with the fire of compassion.

In compassion is buried the great pearl of Secret


All Bodhisattvas, all Holy Ones, all Martyrs, strove

along this Path.

Remember the legend of the Seven Gates.

Not for all is the thorny way a hardship.

There are souls to whom a crown of thorns is sweeter

than a kingly one,

And a coarse garment more precious than the royal


325. Look for My Indications in the forests.

Listen for My Call in the mountains.

Be aware of My Whisper in the rippling of the stream.

But can these be human whispers?

Nay, it is the roaring of the ocean, or the thunder

amidst the heights.

I ask you, where is your sling to strike the enemy?

Be ready for battle.

I am with you.

326. You must remember the spark of Our power.

It will awaken the dead.

But just as the firefly loses gradually its light,

So easy is it to extinguish Our spark.

327. Remember the vigor of the dawning hour.

The coolness of the morning is a refreshing draught to

your spirit.

Hasten to drink it!

Thou Blossom of the Lotus Flower,

Dream of Dreams,

Seven-Pointed Pearl!

In Thee is hidden the knowledge of the universe.

In Thee is born the striving to behold the mysteries.

Hidden Temple of the Unknown,

Giver of Living Waters,

Great Healer of the Universe,

Soul ever-watchful over worldly terrors!

In Thy Radiance bathes Thy faithful servant,

Who has chosen Thee to be his whole possession.

O Lord of the Wisdom of Heavenly Gates,

Erect Thy Throne upon the highest summit.

Thence wilt Thou better see the fear and anguish of

human hearts.

O Lord named the Compassionate,

Behold Thy sons engulfed in human darkness.

Darkness, darkness, darkness.

Light, light, light.

Without the darkness there would be no light,

For only in darkness may we behold the light.

But where abideth Thou, O Lord,

There is nor light, nor darkness.

All is One.

Mystery of Mysteries.

Holy of Holies.

Not comprehended by men, It remains clear;

But grasped by human minds, Its clarity dulls.

Such is the law.

Follow the banner of battle.

328. Across the deserts, seas, and mountains,

You transport yourselves in one breath.

And there, face to face, we meet.

There is no space. Time exists not.

The power of knowledge is manifested.

Is it easy to soar when you have wings?

I shall say, it is easy for those who sense their wings.

But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet,

fly not.

Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly?

By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of

earthly desires.

It is simple, for all things are simple.

Soar with your thoughts. Fly by affirmation.

Fly by love.

And you will realize the joy of flying.

And the gulf of life will remain far below you.

And a miracle of flaming colors will radiate

near the splendor of the Southern Cross.

All is attainable.

329. Why suffer mortification of the flesh?

Why destroy what has been bestowed upon you by

the Creator?

Seek new paths!

Find your way amidst the difficulties of life.

But do not let them drown you.

I am here—your Teacher speaks. Be open to Us.

O Thou Creator of the Universe,

Thou Summit of Heaven, Glory of Glories!

Great Unmanifested in the Beginning,

Manifested at the End!

Yea, yea, yea!

Where is the Beginning, where the End?

Cognize your striving.

Rejoice upon your path.

Be grateful to the Giver of all Treasures.

He will hearken to your prayer even amidst the great

clamor of the street.

Fall not into despair.

Knock upon the