
LEAVES of Morya s garden

appraise values, but let us not insist on money

as the measure.

The underground vaults have already been overfilled.

I will nullify earth's gold with a new metal.

A golden shield is not trustworthy.

290. Display your wisdom—I speak of action.

Each day's new rays bring new strength.

Protective action is not personal, when the raging darkness

throws itself upon the defenses of the pure dwelling.

The motion of the Hand of the Divine Sower

encompasses the firmament.

And the hands of all His Sons shall be uplifted

with one accord and They shall cast Their seed.

I will indicate the time for action.

Regard the approaching days as the threshold

of the winter's activity.

Hasten to display action.

Join your forces for action.

Warriors have never been in such a turmoil of action.

O thou keen blade, O thou smiting hammer!

I am coming, Master Builder. I am coming!

291. Be resourceful—act!

292. We speak but once.

Do not repeat your questions.

What is not understood or is unheard is lost to Earth.

You may find new ways of understanding and ascent,

but by new steps.

Therefore be alert.

Tiredness is not dangerous.

But levity and callousness are banes to mankind.

Like a householder in constant action, be not afraid of

a few drops of labor's perspiration.

Even a misguided action is better than passivity.

Attain the port. For each one is a ship provided.

293. Is justice difficult?

A child measures justice better than a judge.

Wherefore can only the aged and the children be the

arbiters of the earth?

Human judgment blunders.

Laws obstruct the entrance.

Learn to judge in the open, beneath the stars.

Learn to measure distances with closed eye.

To see the light with closed eye

is granted to each one;

But laziness, ingratitude, ignorance, and brutality

are astride your backs.

Blind travelers, how will you attain the justice

of children?

Wash away the dust of habit.

294. Some dwell in cellars, some in attics.

Others are content with a room in another's dwelling.

And some possess an entire house.

I wish to give a house to those who dwell with Us.

It is not bad to own a house.

Glorious is it to admire the sunrise from the terraced


And cheaply do We sell the house.

A word from the heart and a beautiful deed—

Not high is the price.

Understand the advantage from this.

Understand it at least in a worldly sense.

295. Creator, let my spirit be revived when the storm


Thunder fills the silence of the night, and lightning

crosses my window.

Can it be that even during such a night the Messenger

will come?

But I know my question is perhaps inappropriate.

The Messenger is coming.

Master, my mind is dull with sleep and my eyes

penetrate not the darkness.

I will place a hammer at my door.

Let the Messenger shatter the bolt.

Wherefore shall I need a lock after the coming of the


296. Wherefore, O Lord, dost Thou not trust me to

gather the fruits of Thy Garden?

But where are thy baskets?

Why, O Lord, dost Thou not pour out to me the streams

of Thy Bliss?

But where are thy vessels?

O Lord, why dost Thou whisper and not proclaim Thy

Truth in thunder?

But where are thine ears? Indeed, the thunder is

better heard amidst the mountains.

297. People are gathering.

Experiences are increasing.

Help comes more easily.

Thus does the ship, spreading its sails, quicken its


Easily, lightly, upwards, unnoticed,

do you carry the burdens of life,

like the pollen of the flowers.

Let the crossing be easy.

Easily, upwards, joyously, simply.

Concern not yourselves with soles when wings grow

upon your shoulders.

But beware lest you emulate Icarus.

298. Why does the eye become far-sighted towards the

end of life?

Experience directs the eye