
LEAVES of Morya s garden

be beautiful?

Why seek changes in life?

Why break up the old if a single breath

reveals to us a new wondrous land?

My daughter, thou hast been terrified, as if behind

a prison door;

It seemed to thee impossible that the iron door

would ever be opened.

Yet here I give thee the key.

Learn to turn it just as many times as indicated;

No more and no less than is necessary.

Is the achievement in the distant future?

Wild beasts are not necessary;

Nor are tribunals or warriors—

Podvig is close at hand!

My son, thou hast brandished thy staff,

calling the world to battle.

Here comes the world to thee—sharpen thy weapon.

Useless are false oaths and wrestlings of the spirit;

Sacredly canst thou utter the vow of Truth.

My daughter, thou who canst see, to thee I give—

Add a drop of My Task in the draught,

And dip into the wine of knowledge

the bread of achievement,

Giving nourishment to those who approach.

Joyously ascend the new step of time.

Let us conclude the first book.

New ones will manifest themselves in action.

They will reveal the shield of Beauty,

And, full of love, will open the doors

to those who knock.

The earth will sink beneath the feet of the blind,

And the deaf will be destroyed.

I am sending a living spring,

To bathe thine eyes and ears.

And the Miracle will be manifested,

And a Bridge of Beauty will lead on to a new way.

I said it.

They will ask you how to traverse life.

Answer: Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string—

Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly.