предлагаю в этой теме публиковать малоизвестные молитвы
Молитва Саламандрам (элементалям огня):
Immortal, Eternal, Ineffable and Uncreated Father of all, borne upon the
Chariot of Worlds which ever roll in ceaseless motion. Ruler over the
Etherial Vastness where the Throne of Thy Power is raised from the summit
of which Thine Eyes behold all and Thy Pure and Holy Ears hear all – help
us, thy children, whom Thou hast loved since the birth of the Ages of Time!
Thy Majesty, Golden, Vast and Eternal, shineth above the Heaven of Stars.
Above them art Thou exalted.
O Thou Flashing Fire, there Thou illuminatest all things with Thine
Insupportable Glory, whence flow the Ceaseless Streams of Splendour
which nourish Thine Infinite Spirit. This Infinite Spirit nourishest all and
maketh that inexhausible Treasure of Generation which ever encompasseth
Thee replete with the mumberless forms wherewith Thou hast filled it from
the Beginning. From this Spirit arise those most holy Kings who are around
Thy Throne, and who compose Thy Court.
O Universal Father, One and Alone! Father alike of Immortals and Mortals.
Thou hast especially created Powers similar unto thy Thought Eternal and
unto Thy Venerable Essence. Thou hast established them above the Angels
who announce Thy Will to the world. Lastly, thou hast created us as a third
Order in our Elemental Empire.
There our continual exercise is to praise and to adore Thy Desires; there we
ceaselessy burn with Eternal Aspirations unto Thee, O Father! O Mother of
Mothers! O Archetype Eternal of Maternity and Love! O Son, the Flower of
all Sons! Form of all Forms! Soul, Spirit, Harmony, and Numeral of all
things! Amen!
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