
LEAVES of Morya s garden

My Hand is with you.

Yes, yes.

309. Amidst fetters, amidst the slaughter,

Amidst silence, amidst revolt,

Amidst those afar and near,

Remember Me.

The Power is ever with you.

Disciples, does the sea shell fear the velvet rolling

of the waves?

Be not afraid of the tide.

310. I deem that the spirit finds the moment for all


If the lighthouse is a constant beacon of safety for


So much the more will My warriors be ever aflame

with the fire of salvation.

And the flame of action kindles other fires.

311. You already know that neither kindness nor

intellect alone can lead to Us.

But spirituality is needed.

This quality comes the moment the spirit is ready.

Naught can hasten the affirmation of the path.

Even calling to people is useless.

Therefore, seek not for followers.

But attentively welcome those who knock.

It is shameful to miss in sleep the knocking of

even one heart.

Better to meet with failure than to ignore the

winged desire.

312. Pupil, why think about what cannot be


Dissipate not your force in languor of your spirit.

My Lotus is a joy to those who visit My Garden.

Children! Action, action, action.

Thoughts of good raise your vibrations

to those of the Master's Soul.

Remember, the Master's Soul is your abode.

Do not forget Him in your striving for Bliss.

In the name of humanity I am speaking to you.

The Master is ever at your door—but leave the door open.

Await Him and He will respond to your call,

As responds the flower to the call of the morning sun.

In My Name go through life, and you will

conquer the darkness.

The rain cloud will not find you, nor will the burning sun

cause you suffering.

For I am your Guardian, your Friend and Father.

313. My children, children, dear children.

Do not think that Our Community is hidden from

humanity by impregnable walls.

The snows of Himalaya that hide Us are not obstacles

for true seekers, but only for the curious ones.

Mind the difference between the seeker

and the dry, skeptical investigator.

Immerse yourselves in Our labor, and I will lead you on the

path to the Yonder World.

314. We send you this message:

Let the stones speak the truth,

Let the plants and trees proclaim the joy of creation,

But action is for humanity:

For in action is buried the fruit of man's striving.

Birds do not remember their deeds

or the deeds of others;

Therefore they return to their old nests.

So let man forget his mistakes, and let him strive

on the path of Great Silence and Bliss.

The Great Silence is like the roaring of an ocean

and the quietude of an empty house.

315. In the rays of the morning

We decide and send you Our Word.

Not in dreams nor in desire but in unity of spirit.

Beholding Bliss you go as a herald,

bringing Our Tidings.

Judge not, but act.

Do not contemplate much, but create, but find—

And I, Myself, will be your Help.

Yes, yes, yes!

I said it!

316. Avoid those who will not hear.

Pass by those who will not see—yes.


317. Be both beholder and listener.

Know your path.

O Lord, give strength to my heart

and power to my arm.

Because I am Thy servant.

In Thy Rays I shall learn the eternal Truth of Being.

In Thy Voice I shall listen to the harmony of the


My heart I give to Thee, O Lord.

Sacrifice it for the sake of the World.

Know you the truth, the great truth of the everlasting

bonds between Father and Son and between the

son and his son.

The fruit and flowers of my Garden are given to all,

and you must be the Keepers of My Garden.

At My Gates I shall place you and in My Name you will


My Word be with you.

318. We manifest revelations unto the sensitive ear.

And your wish may bring to you Our Voice.

Our Ray, as a beacon, is