
LEAVES of Morya s garden

shall be saved.

200. We are ready to help, if We are not prevented.

We open the Gates only to those who knock.

The arrows of Our chosen representative direct the energy.

All worlds are on trial,

And the Tablets of the Creator are inscribed with the

records of the trial.

And the Sun of Suns shines to the everlasting Song of

the Great Labor.

201. Search for the true meaning of each manifestation

in life.

You need the arrows, for you must fight the destroyers of


The attack draws near, and you must discover the

right path, even amidst the battle.

202. Sacrifices have been made upon M.'s Mountain.

It is difficult to pray when the mind is filled with

worldly thoughts.

Your will must guard the place of prayer.

It is better to truly know people than to be charmed by

their masks.

If human hearts were filled with beauty, no sacrifices

would be needed.

But many are the unillumined ones.

Therefore, it is a thorny way that leads to each truth.

203. Twilight is easily dispelled by rays of light.

Know how to solve those problems that wealth cannot


204. Think of the future and linger not at the present.

My Help is great and is given without delay.

205. I revealed to you new images—learn to discern.

It may be painful to see even your friends unmasked,

But knowledge and truth are above all.

206. A steed rears under the lash of the whip.

Purusha trembles in the presence of injustice.

Blessed are the courageous and the just.

The only judge is your spirit, wherein is God.

207. The Cosmos is reflected in the pupil of every eye.

And God dwells in every heart.

Woe to those who expel God.

Better never to know than to betray.

The Teacher was manifested, and the Name of the

Messiah was pronounced in My Abode.

Not to small things will you be witnesses.

The cloud above God's Mountain will be dispersed.

The lightning of His Voice will illumine the abysses.

New, new, new ones, beautiful ones, clear-minded ones,

exalted ones, will gather.

The Teacher has entrusted you to manifest Him.

Gather people under My roof.

M.'s Mountain is erected, is upheld, and is encircled

by the plough of labor.

208. Degrade not yourselves with trivial judgments,

And with a smile accost danger.

Can there be danger when under M.'s Shield?

209. Your faith should be aflame,

And you should look forward without expectation.

Expect naught, yet be cognizant of the motion of each

blade of grass.

210. I feel the dust blinds your sight and the battle

deafens you.

But knowledge will come to overcome your exhaustion.

You must know that the chosen path of Good

leads to the Source of Wisdom.

By signs will you know how to time the steps of

your ascent.

And all that exists will be a book of life for you.

I reveal to you all the steps, and the path leads

straight onward.

The Creator is seeking new forms.

Blessed are striving and the search.

Be aflame, shine and give light.

The juice of knowledge is increasing, as the fruit

ripens under the hand of the gardener.

211. The spirit cannot die, nor can the mind destroy

the Miracle of the Creator.

A tree spreads its shelter over many, but only the gardener

knows the growth of each branch.

The branches of the tree may be gnarled, but the form of

the tree appears mighty to the passer-by,

And the shade of its foliage shields the weary traveler.

Pure thoughts are twined like branches.

Each is different but its growth strengthens the tree.

212. So that My Forces not be spent in vain,

You should obey. Understand this.

213. Pure thoughts are protected by a talisman.

The use of a talisman is as scientific as the use of

a magnet.

214. There are many paths but the heart recognizes

the surest one.

To understand clearly means to learn much.

215. Deeply laid is the foundation.