2. The Synthesis of Yoga, 21: 808
3. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 234
4. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 133
5. Letters on Yoga, 22: 451
6. The Life Divine, 19: 983
7. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 316
8. The Synthesis of Yoga, 21: 835, 837-838
9. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 464
10. Savitri, 29: 660
11. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 393
12. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 408
13. Savitri, 29: 657
14. Savitri, 29: 614
15. Savitri, 28: 196
16. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 164
17. Savitri, 28: 63
18. Live, Literature and Yoga, 11
19. A.B.Purani: Evening Talks, 91
20. Savitri, 29: 600
21. The Life Divine, 19: 642, 766
22. Savitri, 29: 709
23. Letters, 3rd Series, 103
24. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 95
25. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 92
26. The Hour of God, 17: 12
27. Savitri, 28: 183
28. On Himself, 26: 378
29. The Ideal of Karmayogin, 2: 17
30. On Himself, 26: 58
31. Letters on Yoga, 22: 69
32. Letters on Yoga, 22: 139
1. On the Veda, 42
2. On the Veda, 47
3. On the Veda, 46
4. Letters on Yoga, 22: 93
5. On Himself, 26: 374
6. Savitri, 28: 97
7. D.K.Roy: Sri Aurobindo... 247
8. On Himself, 26: 361
9. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 154
10. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 155
11. Letters, 3rd Series, 5
12. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 150
13. The Hour of God, 17: 11
14. Savitri, 28: 76
15. Anilbaran's Journal (из неопубликованного)
16. On Himself, 26: 455
17. The Life Divine, 18: 108
18. Savitri, 28: 4
19. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 384
20. The Hour of God, 17: 148
21. The Hour of God, 17: 149
22. The Life Divine, 18: 162
23. The Life Divine, 18: 378
24. The Hour of God, 17: 15
25. The Life Divine, 18: 129
26. The Life Divine, 18: 87
27. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 151
28. Savitri, 28: 90
29. The Life Divine, 18: 243
30. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 241
31. The Human Cycle, 290
32. The Hour of God, 17: 48
33. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 216
34. Savitri, 28: 235
35. The Hour of God, 17: 7
36. The Life Divine, 18: 3-4
37. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 32
38. Thoughts and Glimpses, 17: 82
39. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 384
40. The Synthesis of Yoga, 21: 798
1. The Life Divine, 109
2. The Human Cycle, 292
3. The Hour of God, 17: 7
4. The Supramental Manifestation, 15: 24
5. The Supramental Manifestation, 16: 8
6. The Supramental Manifestation, 16: 29, 37
7. Savitri, 28: 338
8. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... I, 56
9. The Life Divine, 19: 842
10. The Life Divine, 19: 843
11. On Himself, 26: 469
12. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 142
13. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 121
14. On Himself, 26: 186
Nirodbaran: Correspondence... II, 152
15. Savitri, 28: 20
16. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 93
17. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 167
18. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... I, 53, 71
19. Savitri, 29: 719
20. A.B.Purani: Evening Talks, 198
21. A.B.Purani: Evening Talks, 45
22. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 406
23. France-Asie (журнал), апрель 1953 г.
24. On Yoga II, Tome 2, 340
25. Savitri, 29: 383
26. Letters on Yoga, 22: 340
27. Poems Past and Present, 6.
28. Savitri, 29: 700
29. Savitri, 29: 707
30. D.K.Roy: Sri Aurobindo... 73
31. On Himself, 26: 425
32. Savitri, 28: 216
33. Ideal of Human Unity, 15: 80
34. D.K.Roy: Sri Aurobindo... 251
35. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 348
36. Letters on Yoga, 23: 847
37. The Ideal of Karmayogin, 10
38. Letters on Yoga, 22: 856
39. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... I, 101
40. A.B.Purani: Life of..., 167
41. On Himself, 26: 109
42. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 71
43. On Himself, 26: 109
44. On Himself, 26: 450
45. The Life Divine, 19: 932
46. The Human Cycle, 332
47. Savitri, 29: 370
48. Savitri, 28: 343
49. Collected Poems and Plays, I, 5: 61
50. The Hour of God, 17: 9
1. The Human Cycle, 278
2. Thoughts and Aphorisms, 17: 82
3. The Human Cycle, 329
4. Savitri, 28: 43, 29: 629
5. Savitri, 28: 2
Почти все работы, приводимые ниже, включены в полное собрание сочинений
Шри Ауробиндо в 30-ти томах (Пондишери, 1972 г.)
I. Индийская традиция
The Foundations of Indian Culture // Arya. Dec.1918-jan.1921; Ed. 1 -
1953, 7 - 1980.
On the Veda // Arya. Aug.1914-jan.1920; Ed. 1 - 1956.
Humns to the Mystic Fire. Ed. 1 - 1946; 2 - 1973.
Isha Upanishad (Text, translation into English and commentry) // Arya.
Aug.1914 - may 1915; Ed. 1 - 1921, Ed. 7 - 1973.
Eight Upanishads (Translation into English and introduction). Ed.